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Keeley’n Spotlight: Brian Waeckerle

Our company was built on the foundation of our Paving Group, and as the team continues to grow across the nation, our people strive to live by Larry Keeley’s founding words, “Quality and Service never go out of style.” Brian Waeckerle, Field Preparations Manager, takes these words to heart, ensuring every project runs smoothly and that our clients are 100% satisfied.

Brian joined the Keeley family in 2015 as an intern and was hired on full-time the following year after he graduated from college as a Project Manager. He grew into the Account Manager role and now serves as the Field Preparations Manager, making sure all projects are properly set up and ready to go prior to the start date. All of this growth and client interaction has allowed Brian to feel incredibly empowered in his work.

“I feel empowered at Keeley every single day. Being given the opportunity to make decisions, and stand by those decisions, while working for some of the nation’s largest retailers, has been amazing. Our projects move fast, so there is a lot of trust in our group that the correct decisions are being made every step of the way.”

Brian studied Civil Engineering in college and has always been drawn to that aspect of the construction industry. He loved the idea of working in a fast-paced environment in which decisions needed to be made while also being able to pivot on the fly when something isn’t going as planned. Everyone in this industry, regardless of project or role, will come across challenges. However, what sets a team or a company apart is their response, urgency, and customer service. Brian and his team pride themselves on exceeding expectations and providing world-class customer service every day. His time in the industry has flown by and he is grateful to be at Keeley for the ride.

“My favorite part of this industry is the people I get to work with on a daily basis. Not only internally but working with clients and growing into the go-to person for their projects is incredibly rewarding. The relationships we get to build with partners across the country has been a great opportunity to not only build the company, but build friendships, as well.”

At Keeley, we are all about growth and looking towards the future. Brian’s vision as he grows his career and his team is to continue his education and get the Project Engineering license in the next few years. He also hopes that his work and partnership with other Keeley business groups will open some doors for the Paving Group in Design-Build. Our teams are always growing, so if Brian could give one piece of advice to those just starting out in the industry, it would be:

“Ask questions and understand that everyone has been where you are. There isn’t one person I’ve worked with that hasn’t made a mistake in their career. If you can understand what goes wrong when it goes wrong and learn from it, as well as what goes right and why it went right, you will experience incredible growth. Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know something. Everyone is here to help.”

Brian and his team live by our core values – PRIDE – and he truly believes that People are our most important asset. All of our values are important, but everything starts and ends with the people. Without the right people in place, it’s hard for the rest of the core values to fall into place. Because of the people, Brian’s favorite part about being a Keeley’n are the team members he gets to work with every day. He works with a great team and it makes coming into work every day a great experience.

Since starting his career with Keeley as an intern, Brian believes he has found his true career destination and knows that others would feel just as lucky to call Keeley their home.

“To work for a company that puts such an emphasis on values that are important not only for your day-to-day work but for your life is unheard of. Keeley is an incredible place to work.”

Brian, thank you for your dedication to our Paving Group and for living out Larry’s Keeley’s founding words and mission. Your growth thus far has been amazing and we can’t wait to see where you take your career and the Paving Group as a whole!

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